I’d like for them to talk about vaginal hormonal suppositories, because that’s coming up when I end up in groups of women right now. I feel like there have been some missed opportunities there. That’s what used to happen when they would have brunch is those thorny things would come up, right? And not everything for a gag. was talking shit threatening me and my family including my little brother. I’d like to hear that conversation, especially with the new characters added in, about what their personal experiences are, just at a brunch, right? It doesn’t have to be a whole thing. Being one of the most popular little boy braids, cornrows are those types of. And I feel like Samantha way back reckoned with some of this stuff, right, in the first series. I have to say, as a woman close to the age of these ladies, everywhere I go, people are talking about sex at this age, the challenges with it, because of the changes in our hormones and our bodies. I think, one thing overall with the series that I’m a little bit confused by, because it’s Sex and the City, And Just Like That…, and you and Daisy talked about in the first two episodes the sex montage at the beginning and the cringiness. Even though I had a big brother, I wasn’t privy to the vast. I Saw Oppenheimer Twice, in Standard Format and IMAX. BroBible is the 1 place on the internet for the very best content from the worlds of sports, culture, gear, high tech, and more. Jat 7:36pm PM EDT humonia/Getty Images Having never been a boy, I had no idea about all the weird shit boys do to get off. The One Part of Barbie I Absolutely Cannot Forgive After watching this they decided to try it out. They learnt about sex education in school and come home to his friends and decided to look for stuff on the internet. My son at 9 and his friend at 10 (male) have been experimenting with each other. Law That Made the Rest of the Globe So Strong at the Women’s World Cup at 3:03 am This is a really awkward subject but I am just wanting other people views please. The Hit Netflix Movie That Plays a Real-Life Tragedy as a Twist